Photo Galleries


Meet the People

This section features many of the amazing people I write about in the book. These are the co-creators and innovators that are building/rebuilding their cities and making a difference.

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City Themed Tattoos

A tattoo is a near permanent connection with your city. I liken it to “marrying” your city. Here are some examples of people that have made that commitment.


Rituals and Traditions

Cities have rituals and traditions, and they are often among the most beloved and authentic aspects of that place. Think of Second Lines (the funeral processionals accompanied by jazz bands) in New Orleans.  They can be signature aspects of the community that visitors and locals alike appreciate.


Public Art: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Loving relationships are often playful relationships. And play is recognized by psychologists and behavioral scientists as an important and fundamental part of our psyche.  We need to play!  So how do we play with the city? And how does a city play with us? Public Art!


T-Shirts: Wear Your City
Wearing these city themed shirts is a public display of affection for the city. It declares that you have some relationship with that place. Is it love? Maybe–maybe not. But it does mean something when you are willing to buy and pull on that shirt.

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Love Notes

The small things that have outsized impacts on how we feel about our places.